The Message


Wednesday Nights
We read in the Bible, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path". Its true God’s word does make a difference in our lives, the way we think, our desires, the way we treat our family and friends. When we live in tune with God our days start off with a smile and a song, not a frown. So often we hear "I don’t understand the Bible", "The Bible is full of contradictions", or "Some day I will read it" these comments are so often from those who confess they have never read it, but listened to the comments of others. Why not consider coming out to the Wednesday Night Bible Study at Shoreacres. The subjects are always interesting.
Hope to see you soon!

Children are not the only ones who have fun at Shoreacres Bible Chapel. Our elderly enjoy life to the fullest, sharing lunch together, enjoying fellowship while working together at a work party or community dinner. Meet new friends, renew old acquaintances, and enjoy the company of others in the Golden Years of Life.